Dr. Miller, Public Health Director confirmed 1 new positive case of COVID-19 in Scott county this evening. A female younger than 40.
This person is in home isolation and all protocols have been followed.
We have a total 27 positive cases of COVID19 in Scott County. All active cases are recovering at home.
Governor Beshear reported 87 new Coronavirus cases state wide and 7 new deaths related to the virus. 5 of the 7 deaths reported were from Jefferson County.
As the situation continues to evolve, it is most important that you treat every interaction as a potential exposure to COVID-19.
It is our intention to keep our community informed as the situation evolves. A reminder that the most important thing you can do to keep us all safe is stay home and practice social distancing when you have to be out in public.
We will get through this Together!
JP Covington
Judge Executive