Dr. Miller, public health director confirmed 4 new positive cases in Scott County.

– female, less than 60 years of age, female, less than 50 years of age, female less than 20 years of age, male, less than 5 years old.

We have a cumulative total 54 positive cases of COVID19 in Scott County.

Kentucky reported 190 new cases of COVID-19 and that the state’s total is currently at 11,476. Those numbers are Sunday’s and Monday’s new numbers combined. 70 of the new cases were reported on Sunday and 120 new cases were reported on Monday.

One new death was reported on both Sunday and Monday, bringing the state’s coronavirus-related death total to 472.

We have seen a spike in cases across our district. As we begin to re-open the economy, we need everyone doing their part so we can remain open. It is most important that you treat every interaction as a potential exposure to COVID-19.

To register for a free COVID-19 test, register @ www.wedcohealth.org

We will get through this Together!
JP Covington
judge Executive