Kayla Moses is a Deputy Jailer for the Scott County Detention Center. She grew up in Scott County and went to SC High School before going off to Ohio where she studied and played basketball for the University of Dayton. After graduating, she came back to Scott County and has been here for 6 years working in the jail. She has several responsibilities as deputy jailer such as intake of inmates which includes fingerprinting, medical scanning, taking pictures, and making sure they do not have any sort of contraband on them. Once inmates are taken in by the jail, Moses ensures the safety and security of all inmates making sure there are no fights or unusual activity and by doing searches of the area for contraband.
The job can be dangerous, but Moses always stays on her toes and is prepared for anything that might come her way and says that she likes the unpredictability that comes with the job. She deals with so many inmates in a day and never knows what they could be thinking or feeling in that moment. Some might be combative while some might be very emotional and scared. She knows how to communicate with the different types of inmates saying, “you’ve got to give respect to get respect… it’s all about how you talk to people.” She says that some people just have a bad day, get caught up in the wrong things, and make mistakes, but that doesn’t mean they do not deserve the same respect or that they are all bad people.
Moses says that she has grown a thick skin working in her field, and she enjoys almost all aspects that come with the job. She works the 12 hour night shift most days of the week; 7pm-7am. The hours can be tough, but she still enjoys what she does in serving Scott County. She is excited for new challenges and goals she has set for herself and hopes to continue up the ladder in her field to possibly work in the Federal level.